New books in my shelves
novembro 22, 2016Normalmente não partilho muito por aqui os novos livros que vou comprando. Mas hoje quis partilhar alguns dos livros mais interessantes que têm chegado às minhas estantes.
Usually I don't share much about the new books in my shelves. But today I want to share some of the most interesting ones that I recently got.
Capa Fantástica! | Amazing Cover
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Vê o abrir da encomenda deste e outros livros no Unboxing & Book Haul #1 |
I never thought I would be reading Jules Verne. I was so sure I wouldn't like it. I read "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" has an exception. I liked it much more than I was expecting. So next I choose this one, with this amazing cover.
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Estes e outros livros de horror recentes na minha estante. |
Two horror classics that were turn into cult movies! Can't wait to read them.
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Descobre que outros livros do Lars Kepler também comprei |
Thrillers and crime books are my thing! After reading "Mystic River" and listening to a lot of recommendations I finally order "Shutter Island". And because Nordic writers have a very unique way of writing I added this one "The Hypnotist" to my shelves.
Holocausto | Holocaust
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Só fiquei a pensar duas vezes no "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" por saiu uma edição ilustrada à pouco tempo que me atrai bastante. Mas acho que primeiro vou ler o livro, antes de pensar numa outra edição.
This is a theme that I don't usually read about, specially in fiction. But these three books (that where also adapted into movies) called my attention. All of them where bought in second hand and I was very pleased with my covers choose.
I might be considering getting the new illustrated edition of "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" just because the art is made by one of my favourite illustrators.
Banda Desenhada | Graphic Novel
Já não compro banda desenhada à muito tempo. Mas comecei a ler Harrow County e adorei. Se calhar ainda mais do que da história, da arte. Toda a arte no interior é feita a aguarela (e é simplesmente fantástica!!). Harrow County vol.1 Countless Haunts começa por nos apresentar uma série de personagens de uma pequena cidade rural perdida em nenhures nos Estados Unidos. A nossa protagonista é uma jovem que descobre que é descendente de uma bruxa. Toda a acção está relacionada com o legado da bruxa e como a jovem lida com estes novos desafios. Em Harrow County vol.2 Twice Told descobrimos que a jovem têm uma gémea. E em Harrow County vol.3 Snake Doctor uma das amigas da jovem vai tornar-se numa aliada dela. Adoro tanto esta série que já tenho em pré-reserva o vol.4.
I don't usually buy a lot of graphic novels. But I started to read Harrow County and loved it. More than the story it's the art! All of it is made in watercolour (and its amazing!!). Harrow County vol.1 Countless Haunts, Harrow County vol.2 Twice Told and Harrow County vol.3 Snake Doctor. And I can't wait to receive the vol.4!
Antologias | Anthologies
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Virginia Woolf e outros clássicos | The Short Novels e outros livros de Steinbeck |
No "Selected Works of Virginia Woolf" podemos encontrar as seguintes obras: "Jacon's Room", "Mrs Dalloway", "To the Lighthouse", "Orlando", "A Room of One's Own", "The Waves", "Three Guineas" e "Between the Acts". No "The Short Novels" do John Steinbeck encontramos "Tortilla Flat", "Of Mice and Men", "The Moon is Down", "Cannery Row", "The Red Pony" e "The Pearl".
Two authors that wrote books that become classics and that I'm really curious to read. I don't have the tendency of getting anthologies. But I wanted to get most the these authors work, and the quickest and cheapest way was this one. Yes, the books were bought in second hand and each one was less than 4€. Bargains!
In "Selected Works of Virginia Woolf" you can find "Jacon's Room", "Mrs Dalloway", "To the Lighthouse", "Orlando", "A Room of One's Own", "The Waves", "Three Guineas" and "Between the Acts". And in the "The Short Novels" by John Steinbeck you can read "Tortilla Flat", "Of Mice and Men", "The Moon is Down", "Cannery Row", "The Red Pony" and "The Pearl".
Shirley Jackson
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mais livros recentemente adquiridos! |
Without counting the graphic novels, these were the only ones (from this list) that I purchased has new. In the end of September I was researching for horror books to read in the next month. I discovered this author. But it wasn't the first time that I found things about here. It was the first time, though, that I looked into here work and things about her. She influenced some authors that I like or look into - like Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Donna Tartt... among others. I couldn't decide from where to start, so I ordered her two more known books - "The Haunting of Hill House" and "We have Always lived in the Castle"; and here most known short-story "The Lottery and Other Stories".
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